What you can do

Here are some of the things
you can do to help close the GAP



Follow us on social media, read through our content, and share the patient stories that resonate with you. Our brave patients told The Medicine Gap their very personal stories to build an understanding of a wide range of chronic diseases, cancer, and rare diseases and disorders, and the importance of treating these conditions. Tragically, some of our patients are no longer with us, but they all encouraged us to keep sharing their stories to help drive reform and improve health outcomes for New Zealanders today, tomorrow and in future.



If you can, please consider supporting a disease or patient advocacy group. Every day, many hard-working New Zealanders are putting in long hours to support disease or disorder awareness, provide multi-layered support for patients, fundraising, and advocating for better medicines, medical devices, or treatment. You can provide support in a number of ways including by donation, hosting an event, taking part in a charity event like a marathon, corporate gifting, supporting a group through your ESG strategy, or asking an advocacy group CEO to speak at a conference.



The Medicine Gap is small (a team of one!) but we connect with our supporters by email from time to time. Subscribe here if you’d like to hear from us.

Have a story to share?

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